Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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 +====== Honey Marinade for Chicken ======
 +===== Ingredients =====
 +  * 1 teas Dry mustard
 +  * 2 tab White wine
 +  * 1 teas Rosemary
 +  * 2 tabs Honey
 +  * 1 teas Worcestershire sauce
 +  * Dash Tabasco sauce
 +  * 2 tab Lemon juice
 +  * ½ cup Salad or olive oil
 +===== Procedure =====
 +In a jar mix mustard & vinegar until smooth. Stir in rosemary, honey and Worcestershire. Pour over chicken in a glass dish, baste & marinade in fridge for 2-3 hours. Baste occasionally. Baste chicken while cooking.
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