Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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wiki:wasp_hotel [2021/04/02 16:41] jaffawiki:wasp_hotel [2021/07/07 20:08] (current) jaffa
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   * Mount minimum of 60cm off the ground to prevent cane toads gaining access   * Mount minimum of 60cm off the ground to prevent cane toads gaining access
   * Put in a place free of disturbance and away from traffic, to prevent inadvertent contact of guests with gardeners.    * Put in a place free of disturbance and away from traffic, to prevent inadvertent contact of guests with gardeners. 
 +The hotel can be built from any materials, the one in the photo is made from scrap pine from an old building project, screws, galvanized wire and a hardwood stake salvaged from the garden. 
 ^Comment^Image^ ^Comment^Image^
-| Split pesticide free timber | {{:wiki:timber_bundle1.jpg?200|}} |+| Split pesticide free timber, drill appropriate sized holes | {{:wiki:timber_bundle1.jpg?200|}} |
 | Bundle with wire | {{:wiki:timber_bundle2.jpg?200|}} | | Bundle with wire | {{:wiki:timber_bundle2.jpg?200|}} |
 | Fasten to hardwood timber post | {{:wiki:wasp hotel1.jpg?200|}} | | Fasten to hardwood timber post | {{:wiki:wasp hotel1.jpg?200|}} |
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 | Place in or near garden, view 2 | {{:wiki:wasp hotel3.jpg?200|}} | | Place in or near garden, view 2 | {{:wiki:wasp hotel3.jpg?200|}} |
 +Don't forget to charge rent.
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