Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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 +====== Pot Roast ======
 +===== Ingredients =====
 +  * 1kg Topside roast
 +  * Oil, for frying
 +  * Small Onions
 +  * Carrots, Potatoes, or other vegetables
 +  * 490g can Tomatoes
 +  * ¼ cup Water
 +  * ½ cup Red wine
 +  * Taste Salt and pepper
 +  * 1 teas Mixed herbs
 +  * ¼ cup Flour
 +  * ¼ cup Water, extra
 +  * 2 tabs Parsley
 +===== Procedure =====
 +In a pan fry roast, onions, carrots, potatoes. Place veges aside if roast is large. Remove from pan & add tomatoes, water, wine, salt & pepper & herbs. Bring to boil. Return meat to pan & cook slowly for 1 hour. Before meat is done add vegetables. When cooked add flour and water and thicken. Add fresh parsley.
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