Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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 +====== Meat Balls / Meatloaf ======
 +===== Ingredients =====
 +  * 2 Eggs
 +  * 1 Onion
 +  * As needed Milk
 +  * As needed Garlic
 +  * As needed Fresh herbs
 +  * Taste Salt & pepper
 +  * *1 cup Breadcrumbs
 +  * * Rolled oats
 +  * *500g Mince
 +  * * Oil
 +  * 1 cup Cream
 +  * 1 cup Stock
 +  * 2 tab Flour
 +===== Procedure =====
 +In a blender add eggs, milk, onions, garlic, fresh herbs, salt & pepper. Add breadcrumbs, rolled oats & mince. If desired fry in a little oil. Otherwise add small amount of fat in a tray, add meatballs, cover with foil and cook in a moderate oven for 1 hour. Last ¼ hours take foil off to brown.
 +==== Gravy ====
 +In dish that meatballs were cooked in add f cream & stock (use reduced cream if desired) to stock add water, flour. Make into gravy. Pour over meatballs.
 +==== Comments ====
 +Meatballs may be frozen uncooked.
 +Use blender to mash veges.
 +Mixture can be used as a meatloaf.
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