Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share

Energy Descent

Energy descent is a concept that suggests that industrialized societies will need to transition to lower levels of energy consumption in the coming decades as fossil fuel reserves decline and climate change worsens. The term was coined by David Holmgren, one of the co-founders of the permaculture movement.

The idea behind energy descent is that modern societies have become heavily dependent on non-renewable sources of energy, such as oil and natural gas, which are finite resources that are becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to extract. At the same time, these forms of energy are contributing to climate change, which is exacerbating environmental problems like droughts, floods, and wildfires.

In order to transition to a more sustainable future, energy descent advocates argue that societies will need to reduce their energy consumption and shift to more renewable forms of energy, such as solar and wind power. This will require changes in the way that we live and work, such as the development of more energy-efficient buildings, the adoption of low-carbon transportation options, and the reduction of energy-intensive industries.

Energy descent is seen as a necessary step towards building a more resilient and sustainable society, one that is able to adapt to changing conditions and withstand shocks and stresses. Permaculture, as a design framework for sustainable living, incorporates the concept of energy descent and emphasizes the importance of resilience, diversity, and community in the face of environmental and economic challenges.

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