This is an old revision of the document!
By David Holmgren
- A practical guide for those wishing to enter the world of Permaculture, and for those who are living in the suburbs.
- Written by an Australian, and thus much more translatable to Australian conditions.
- Well laid out, and encompasses many aspects of life
- Recommended as being in the first collection of books to read.
The Permaculture Handbook
By Peter Bane
- A good introduction into permaculture living, without necessarily getting bogged down in specific design details or principles.
- Tailored for the North American so a lot of the details will not translate to hot Queensland, the principles however are still sound.
- Recommended as being in the first collection of books to read.
Permaculture - A designer's manual
By Bill Mollison
- The original permaculture design manual. Somewhat outdated now, and tend to focus on the larger scale climatic and regional aspects of permaculture. There are other more up to date books more suitable for everyday people in Suburbia.
- Documents key permaculture principles.
- Recommended that this book is part of your collection, however not necessarily the first book you read.