Northern Queensland Permaculture

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recipes:zucchini_feta_pies [2020/10/13 20:33] – ↷ Page moved from wiki:zucchini_feta_pies to recipes:zucchini_feta_pies jaffarecipes:zucchini_feta_pies [2021/01/09 17:52] (current) – [Procedure] jaffa
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 ===== Procedure ===== ===== Procedure =====
-Preheat oven to 200C, cook onion and ham/bacon. Spray 8x muffin pans with oil, line muffin pans with puff pastry. Whisk eggs and water in bowl, season with salt and pepper. Stir in ingredients and divide mixture among the muffin pans.+Preheat oven to 200C, cook onion and ham/bacon. Spray 8x muffin pans with oil, line muffin pans with puff pastry. Whisk eggs and cream/water in bowl, season with salt and pepper. Stir in ingredients and divide mixture among the muffin pans.
 Bake for 30 minutes Bake for 30 minutes
 **Comments** **Comments**
 Onion, bacon, carrot, capsicum, steamed veggies are all added to taste and the recipe works well with all or few of the ingredients. The veggies must be finely chopped to cook properly and taste nice. Onion, bacon, carrot, capsicum, steamed veggies are all added to taste and the recipe works well with all or few of the ingredients. The veggies must be finely chopped to cook properly and taste nice.
 +__PATTY CAKE DISH perfect finger food__
 +  * 200 degrees C
 +  * Canola spray lid to cut the puff pastry to suit the patty cake tin.
 +  * Cook 20 minutes exactly.
 ---// Susan Zamperoni// excellent for work lunches ---// Susan Zamperoni// excellent for work lunches
-{{tag>dips_and_savoury}}+{{tag>dips_and_savoury beef_chicken_meals}}
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