Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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wiki:solution_space_of_the_predicament2 [2023/05/01 19:59] jaffawiki:solution_space_of_the_predicament2 [2023/05/01 20:31] (current) admin
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-====== Initial Comments on Solution Space: ====== +====== The Predicament ======
 - Retrofitting suburbia and adapting in situ are necessary. - Retrofitting suburbia and adapting in situ are necessary.
 - It's recommended to start small and slow. - It's recommended to start small and slow.
-===== What Can I Do? ===== +What Can I Do?
- +
 - Share your excitement about your vegetable garden with colleagues and neighbors. - Share your excitement about your vegetable garden with colleagues and neighbors.
 - Get to know your neighbors. - Get to know your neighbors.
 - Start building community in your local area. - Start building community in your local area.
-===== Key Upcoming Themes: ===== 
 The future is quickly approaching, and there are several interconnected issues threatening the stability and existence of global industrial civilization, including: The future is quickly approaching, and there are several interconnected issues threatening the stability and existence of global industrial civilization, including:
-Climate change +  * Climate change 
-Overpopulation +  Overpopulation 
-Species loss +  Species loss 
-Resource depletion +  Resource depletion 
-Financial crisis +  Financial crisis 
-Social media +  Social media 
-Acidification of the oceans +  Acidification of the oceans 
-Topsoil erosion+  Topsoil erosion
 Humanity faces multiple converging predicaments. The difference between a problem and a predicament is that problems have solutions, while predicaments have outcomes.  Humanity faces multiple converging predicaments. The difference between a problem and a predicament is that problems have solutions, while predicaments have outcomes. 
-Source: FOSS Blog (2015) - "The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space."+Sourced from Nicole Foss's teachings: FOSS Blog (2015) - "The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space." 
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