Northern Queensland Permaculture

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wiki:resilience:energy [2021/03/15 19:57] – [Energy] jaffawiki:resilience:energy [2021/03/15 21:31] (current) jaffa
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 ====== Energy ====== ====== Energy ======
 +15-03-2021 -> this page is under construction
 It appears at the onset of 2021, that worldwide energy supplies are peaking in extraction rates, specifically oil. This would suggest that into the future, continued stagnation of economic activity will occur. The 1972 book Limits to Growth outlined the consequences to the global industrial civilization should business as usual be continued into this century (collapse). The purpose of this site is not to repeat the findings of the modelling, but rather present potential adaptations to this predicament, tailored to a local context in Townsville Queensland - Australia. It appears at the onset of 2021, that worldwide energy supplies are peaking in extraction rates, specifically oil. This would suggest that into the future, continued stagnation of economic activity will occur. The 1972 book Limits to Growth outlined the consequences to the global industrial civilization should business as usual be continued into this century (collapse). The purpose of this site is not to repeat the findings of the modelling, but rather present potential adaptations to this predicament, tailored to a local context in Townsville Queensland - Australia.
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 ===== Difficult or Impossible ===== ===== Difficult or Impossible =====
-These sources of energy are considered too difficult to sustain in a post growth, post industrial context. +These sources of energy are considered too difficult to sustain in a post growth, post industrial context in Townsville.
   * Liquid fuels   * Liquid fuels
   * Pressurised fuels   * Pressurised fuels
   * Baseload electricity   * Baseload electricity
 +Baseload electricity is listed, as it is the view of the author that as the ability for the state to maintain and repair the large and fragile electrical distribution network will decline. This is due to the exposure of the network to cyclone and natural disasters. 
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