Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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wiki:radish [2020/10/13 20:50] – ↷ Page moved from wiki:radish to plants:radish jaffawiki:radish [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 + ====== Radish ====== 
 + ===== Botanical Information ===== 
 +^Botanical Information^^
 +^Order | Brassicales| 
 +^Family | Brassicaceae| 
 +^Genus | Raphanus| 
 +^Common Name | Radish| 
 +^Species | Cherry Belle| 
 + ===== Maturity days ===== 
 +  * 21
 + ===== Planting Months ===== 
 +^Planting months^^^^^^^^^^^^
 +| Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
 +|                             | X         | X         | X         | X                                                         
 + ===== Permaculture uses ===== 
 +^Permaculture uses^^^
 +| Usage 1| Usage 2 | Usage 3 | 
 +| | Bee_food| Vegetable| 
 + ===== Growing condition comments ===== 
 +^Growing Condition ^Comment^
 +|Drought Tolerant | | 
 +| Humidity tolerant | | 
 +| Planting area | Garden_bed| 
 +|Sunlight | Full_sun| 
 + ===== Photos ===== 
 +^ Photos ^^^
 +| {{ :wiki:RadishCherryBelle1.JPG?200|}}| {{ :wiki:?200|}}| {{ :wiki:?200|}}| 
 + ===== Short comments ===== 
 +4cm bright red-skinned radish, creamy white flesh. Sow in dry season in NQ
 + ===== General comments ===== 
 +Space plants: 3 - 5 cm apart  Compatible with (can grow beside): Chervil, cress,lettuce, leeks, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes  Avoid growing close to: Hyssop, gherkins  Small, spicy tasting root vegetable usually round but some longer varieties . Available in a range of colours between red and white.  Very easy to grow. Good for a child's first garden as seedlings appear in two or three days. Sow between other vegetables as they will mark the rows until the slower germinating plants appear.  Culinary hints - cooking and eating Radish Wash well and remove leaves and roots. Use raw in salads or on their own with bread and butter. 
 + ===== Tags ===== 
 +{{tag>Brassicales Brassicaceae Raphanus Radish Annual  Bee_food Vegetable Full_sun Garden_bed }}
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