Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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wiki:plants:pumpkin [2021/01/03 12:10] – [Short comments] jaffawiki:plants:pumpkin [2021/01/24 17:13] (current) – [Planting Months] jaffa
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 Planting in early December will usually start yielding mid to late January, depending on when the first rains arrive. Too much rain and they'll tend to rot on the ground. Planting in early December will usually start yielding mid to late January, depending on when the first rains arrive. Too much rain and they'll tend to rot on the ground.
 +{{tag> march april may june july august september october november december}}
  ===== Permaculture uses =====   ===== Permaculture uses ===== 
 ^Permaculture uses^^^ ^Permaculture uses^^^
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