Northern Queensland Permaculture

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wiki:plants:pumpkin [2021/01/03 12:06] – [General comments] jaffawiki:plants:pumpkin [2021/01/24 17:13] (current) – [Planting Months] jaffa
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 Planting in early December will usually start yielding mid to late January, depending on when the first rains arrive. Too much rain and they'll tend to rot on the ground. Planting in early December will usually start yielding mid to late January, depending on when the first rains arrive. Too much rain and they'll tend to rot on the ground.
 +{{tag> march april may june july august september october november december}}
  ===== Permaculture uses =====   ===== Permaculture uses ===== 
 ^Permaculture uses^^^ ^Permaculture uses^^^
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  ===== Short comments =====   ===== Short comments ===== 
-In the Burdekin / Townsville area pumpkins will generally grow most of the year though yields seem to suffer during the intense raining / monsoon periodsThey suffer from mildew fungal infections in the cooler months.+Sprawling vine, fruit will split if too much rain. Plant flowers in or near by the patch to assist fruit settingBaby pumpkins can be treated as squash.
-If large fruit are present at the onset of the raining periodlikelihood of fruit splitting during a rain event increases.+Many varietiescommon / good tasting include: 
 +  * Jap (Cucurbita moschata)
-Do need plenty of water and ample space to sprawl around. Raising fruit off the ground that have set is helpful to prevent rot, especially if the ground is damp from showers or rain. 
-Having set flowers growing during the same time as the pumpkins to attract pollinators will assist in fruit setting, else hand pollination may be necessary. 
  ===== General comments =====   ===== General comments ===== 
 In the Burdekin / Townsville area pumpkins will generally grow most of the year though yields seem to suffer during the intense raining / monsoon periods. They suffer from mildew fungal infections in the cooler months. In the Burdekin / Townsville area pumpkins will generally grow most of the year though yields seem to suffer during the intense raining / monsoon periods. They suffer from mildew fungal infections in the cooler months.
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 Having set flowers growing during the same time as the pumpkins to attract pollinators will assist in fruit setting, else hand pollination may be necessary. Having set flowers growing during the same time as the pumpkins to attract pollinators will assist in fruit setting, else hand pollination may be necessary.
  ===== Tags =====   ===== Tags ===== 
-{{tag>ORDER FAMILY GENUS COMMON_NAME XXXXX }}+{{tag> Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita Pumpkin Annual Bee_food Full_sun townsville_summer Vegetable Garden_bed Ground }} 
-  * Annual 
-  * Perennial 
-  * Bee_food  
-  * Herb  
-  * Full_sun  
-  * Wicking_bed  
-  * townsville_summer 
-  * Pioneer  
-  * Nitrogen_Fixer  
-  * Vegetable  
-  * Garden_bed 
-  * Shade  
-  * Fruit  
-  * Ground  
-  * chop_and_drop  
-  * Starch  
-  * Wicking bed 
-  * Nut 
-  * Coppice 
-  * Timber 
-  * Utility 
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