Northern Queensland Permaculture

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wiki:chicked_or_beef_stirfry [2020/10/13 20:17] – ↷ Page moved from wiki:chicked_or_beef_stirfry to recipes:chicked_or_beef_stirfry jaffawiki:chicked_or_beef_stirfry [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 +====== Chicken or Beef Stir Fry ======
 +===== Ingredients =====
 +  * Chicken or Fillet Steak
 +  * Garlic & ginger
 +  * *1 cup water 
 +  * *2 tab soy sauce
 +  * *1 tab fish sauce
 +  * *2 tab oyster sauce
 +  * *2 tab any wine
 +Carrot, red capsicum, beans, button squash, zucchini, mushrooms, celery, thinly sliced lettuce, onion, broccoli & any other vegetables
 +===== Procedure =====
 +Place garlic and ginger in a wok with some oil. Cook, then add meat. Add vegetables and roll around in meat, then add sauce mixture (ingredients with the *) & steam until vegetables are crunchy not soft. Thicken with cornflour. Then add roasted nuts and chopped coriander & parsley, serve immediately. 
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