Northern Queensland Permaculture

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recipes:rosella_jam [2024/12/02 17:51] – [Rosella Jam Recipe] adminrecipes:rosella_jam [2024/12/02 18:01] (current) – [Procedure] admin
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   - Once set, remove from heat and pour hot jam into sterilized jars.   - Once set, remove from heat and pour hot jam into sterilized jars.
   - Seal immediately and allow to cool at room temperature.   - Seal immediately and allow to cool at room temperature.
 +{{:recipes:rosella_calyx_separation.jpg?200 |}}
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 ==== Comments ==== ==== Comments ====
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 HINT: Add more sugar if too sour HINT: Add more sugar if too sour
 +  - Use a sharpened 10-13mm pipe to remove the seed pod from the calyx easily and quickly
   - Use ripe rosellas for the best flavor.   - Use ripe rosellas for the best flavor.
   - Don't overcook the jam to preserve its vibrant color and fresh taste.   - Don't overcook the jam to preserve its vibrant color and fresh taste.
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   - Store unopened jars in a cool, dark place for up to 12 months.   - Store unopened jars in a cool, dark place for up to 12 months.
   - Refrigerate after opening and consume within 4-6 weeks.   - Refrigerate after opening and consume within 4-6 weeks.
-  - Experiment with spices like cinnamon or ginger for a unique twist. 
-  - Combine with other fruits like raspberries for a mixed berry rosella jam. 
 +{{tag>sauce_preserves_jams rosella_jam_recipe}}
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