Northern Queensland Permaculture

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recipes:rajama_dal_red_kidney_bean_curry [2021/02/08 21:27] jaffarecipes:rajama_dal_red_kidney_bean_curry [2024/12/07 12:39] (current) admin
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-====== Haloumi Cheese Masala ======+====== Rajama Dal Red Kidney Bean Curry ====== 
 +Perfect for work lunches. 
 ===== Ingredients ===== ===== Ingredients =====
 Preparation is key, have the red kidney beans soaked and cooked prior. Preparation is key, have the red kidney beans soaked and cooked prior.
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-Serve.+===== Serve =====
 Best eaten with nan-bread. Adjust spices and salt as necessary. Additional chili powder as necessary. Best eaten with nan-bread. Adjust spices and salt as necessary. Additional chili powder as necessary.
 +===== Variation =====
 +Substitute red kidney beans, with canned four bean mix, or equivalent.
 +Add coconut milk and cook to taste for a more creamy meal.
 +===== Comments =====
 +Red kidney beans must be properly cooked prior to use to remove toxins. If you buy canned beans they are already cooked, and no further preparation is necessary. If you are using dried beans, then you need to properly prepare them.
  --- //Robert Zamperoni//  --- //Robert Zamperoni//
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