Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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recipes:preparing_dried_red_kidney_beans [2021/02/08 21:54] – created jaffarecipes:preparing_dried_red_kidney_beans [2021/02/08 22:01] (current) – [Dried Red Kidney Beans - Preparation] jaffa
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-====== Cooking Red Kidney Beans ====== +====== Dried Red Kidney Beans - Preparation ====== 
-Preparation of dried Red Kidney Beans for consumption.+Preparation of dried Red Kidney Beans for consumption. This will produce about 3 cups of cooked beans.
 ===== Ingredients ===== ===== Ingredients =====
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   - Start checking for done-ness after about an hour. Keep an eye on the water level and stir occasionally to prevent the beans sticking to the bottom of the pan   - Start checking for done-ness after about an hour. Keep an eye on the water level and stir occasionally to prevent the beans sticking to the bottom of the pan
   - Add a little salt when the beans are slightly tender   - Add a little salt when the beans are slightly tender
 +  - Stop cooking when desired firmness is reached
   - When cooked, toss the water - do not reuse the water, or add the water to subsequent dishes   - When cooked, toss the water - do not reuse the water, or add the water to subsequent dishes
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