Northern Queensland Permaculture

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plants:thyme [2020/10/25 13:24] – [Photos] jaffaplants:thyme [2021/01/13 20:42] (current) – [Short comments] jaffa
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  ===== Short comments =====   ===== Short comments ===== 
-Bushy, woody based evergreen small shrub. Culiary uses, tea, ground cover. Propogated easily cuttings+Bushy, woody based evergreen small shrub. Culiary uses, tea, ground cover. Propogated easily cuttings
 +Keep away from water in the raining season, too much water will kill the plant.
  ===== General comments =====   ===== General comments ===== 
-Space plants: 25 - 30 cm apart  Compatible with (can grow beside): Dry-environment herbs (oregano,sage), Eggplant, Cabbage  Thyme is slow to grow from seed and is best propagated from root divisions or cuttings.  Seeds need to be started in a warm frost- free place. A greenhouse is ideal. Keep under cover until about 10cm (4in) high, then harden off by putting outside during the day and inside at night for about a week. Transplant the young plants into their final positions, in well-drained soil in full sunlight. Harvest sparingly in the first year.  Root divisions, from 3 or 4 year old plants, can be taken in late Spring and then planted into a sunny spot.  Water sparingly once established and avoid feeding. The plants will have most flavour in Summer months.  Thyme dies down in the winter, if frosty, but a good layer of mulch round the plant will protect the roots and provide enough food to keep it growing.+Space plants: 25 - 30 cm apart   
 +Dry-environment herbplanted on the sunny side of the herb spiral. 
 +Thyme is slow to grow from seed and is best propagated from root divisions or cuttings.  Root divisions, from 3 or 4 year old plants, can be taken in late Spring and then planted into a sunny spot.  Water sparingly once established and avoid feeding. The plants will have most flavour in Summer months.  Thyme dies down in the winter, if frosty, but a good layer of mulch round the plant will protect the roots and provide enough food to keep it growing.
  ===== Tags =====   ===== Tags ===== 
 {{tag>Lamiales Lamiaceae Thymus Thyme Perennial   Herb Full_sun Garden_bed }} {{tag>Lamiales Lamiaceae Thymus Thyme Perennial   Herb Full_sun Garden_bed }}
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