Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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plants:cowpea [2020/10/13 20:51] – ↷ Page moved from wiki:cowpea to plants:cowpea jaffaplants:cowpea [2020/10/24 11:27] (current) – [General comments] jaffa
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 Heat and dry tolerant. Arid & semidesert regions Heat and dry tolerant. Arid & semidesert regions
  ===== General comments =====   ===== General comments ===== 
-Space plants: Rows 1 Metre apart  Cowpeas are heat and dry tolerant but frost will finish them. Can be grown in cooler areas if they are started under cover and planted out after last frost. They are an ancient food source and have probably been used since Neolithic times.  Young leaves can be cooked and used like spinach and are very high in protein. The young pods are edible.+Space plants: Rows 1 Metre apart  
 +Cowpeas are heat and dry tolerant. 
 +They are an ancient food source, young leaves can be cooked and used like spinach and are very high in protein. The young pods are edible.
  ===== Tags =====   ===== Tags ===== 
 {{tag>Fabales Fabaceae Vigna Cowpea Perennial Pioneer Nitrogen_Fixer Vegetable Full_sun Ground townsville_summer}} {{tag>Fabales Fabaceae Vigna Cowpea Perennial Pioneer Nitrogen_Fixer Vegetable Full_sun Ground townsville_summer}}
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