Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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plants:beetroot [2020/10/13 20:51] – ↷ Page moved from wiki:beetroot to plants:beetroot jaffaplants:beetroot [2024/12/02 15:21] (current) – removed admin
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- ====== Beetroot ======  
- ===== Botanical Information =====  
-^Botanical Information^^ 
-^Order | Caryophyllales|  
-^Family | Amaranthaceae|  
-^Genus | Beta|  
-^Common Name | Beetroot|  
-^Species | B. vulgaris|  
- ===== Maturity days =====  
-  * 45 
- ===== Planting Months =====  
-^Planting months^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
-| Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | 
-| | | X         | X         | X         | X         | | | | | | |  
- ===== Permaculture uses =====  
-^Permaculture uses^^^ 
-| Usage 1| Usage 2 | Usage 3 |  
-| | Bee_food| Vegetable|  
- ===== Growing condition comments =====  
-^Growing Condition ^Comment^ 
-|Drought Tolerant | |  
-| Humidity tolerant | |  
-| Planting area | Garden_bed|  
-|Sunlight | Full_sun|  
- ===== Photos =====  
-^ Photos ^^^ 
-| {{ :wiki:?200|}}| {{ :wiki:?200|}}| {{ :wiki:?200|}}|  
- ===== Short comments =====  
-Cultivated for swollen roots. 
- ===== General comments =====  
-Space plants: 20 - 30 cm apart   
-Can grow near Onions, Silverbeet, Lettuce, Cabbage, Beans, Dill, Peas, Strawberries  
-Avoid growing close to: Asparagus, Carrots, Sweetcorn, Spinach   
-Soak seeds in water 24 hours before planting so that you can separate the seeds. Thinning is nearly always required as seedlings emerge from a seedball of several seeds. Thinning is essential to get useful tubers. Will keep in the ground longer than the harvest date, but may start to become woody if left too long. Keeping the top of the beet's bulb covered with soil will help ensure the entire bulb is the same color and prevents 'corkiness' at the top of the bulb. 
-For tasty and tender beetroot, start harvesting at golfball-size.   
- ===== Tags =====  
-{{tag>Caryophyllales Amaranthaceae Beta Beetroot Annual  Bee_food Vegetable Full_sun Garden_bed }} 
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