Northern Queensland Permaculture

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share


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 +====== Paul's Spaghetti Sauce ======
 +===== Ingredients =====
 +  * 1 Chicken breast
 +  * Taste Salt
 +  * Taste Pepper
 +  * Taste Rosemary
 +  * Taste Water
 +  * 1 Onion
 +  * 6 Cloves Garlic
 +  * 500g Mince
 +  * 1 bottle Tomato puree (~700mL)
 +  * 1 glass Wine, red
 +  * Taste Lime
 +  * Taste Rosemary, basil, salt pepper, tarragon, oregano, thyme
 +  * Taste Butter
 +===== Procedure =====
 +  * Seal chicken in separate pot, season with salt, pepper and rosemary and add water. Boil until cooked.
 +  * Cut chicken breast in half (through the middle for two thin slices), lightly pan fry then cover over in water. Boil for ~15-20 mins
 +  * In main pot saute' onion, garlic, then add mince. Brown. Add tomato puree, wine and lime. 
 +  * Break chicken up with a fork and place into main pot. Add chicken water to main pot.
 +  * Simmer entire mixture for several hours on low. In the last 30 minutes add the herbs.
 +  * At the end, add a tablespoon of butter, stir through. Sauce is ready.
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