Northern Queensland Permaculture

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 +====== Moussaka ======
 +===== Ingredients =====
 +  * Oil
 +  * 2 med Potatoes, thinly sliced
 +  * 1 large Eggplant, thinly sliced
 +  * 2 tabs Breadcrumbs
 +  * 3 tabs Parmesan cheese
 +  * Taste Coarse cooking salt
 +===== Procedure =====
 +Tip: prepare meat sauce before starting.
 +Heat oil in large pan, cook potatoes & eggplant in batches until tender, drain on paper. Lightly grease (2L capacity) ovenproof dish, sprinkle base with half of the breadcrumbs. Layer half the eggplant in dish, sprinkle with ⅓ of Parmesan cheese & spoon over half the meat sauce. Add potatoes in a layer, sprinkle with another ⅓ of Parmesan cheese, then spoon over remaining meat sauce, finish with a layer of eggplant. Pour hot cheese sauce over eggplant, sprinkle with combined remaining Parmesan cheese & crumbs. Bake in moderate oven for 1 hour.
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